
Entry (1/7)1  kôsy
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Physics
Explanations in French  4  cosse [1.13]
Compound words 

Entry (2/7)6  Kosy
Part of speech  7  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  8  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  9  zanakalahin' i Hama (Gen. 10. 8; 1 Tant. 1. 10). Ny taranany no natao hoe "Kosita" [1.38]
Explanations in English  10  Cush [2.996]
Explanations in French  11  Kush [2.996]
Biblical quotes  12  Chapters and verses mentioning Kosy
Tables and plates  13  Full list

Entry (3/7)14  Kosy
Part of speech  15  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  16  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  17  razamben'i Jehody (Jer. 36. 14) [1.38]
Explanations in English  18  Cushi [2.996]
Explanations in French  19  Kushi [2.996]
Other spellings  20  kos
Biblical quotes  21  Chapters and verses mentioning Kosy
Tables and plates  22  Full list

Entry (4/7)23  Kosy
Part of speech  24  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  25  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  26  razan' i Zefanía mpaminany (Zef. 1. 1) [1.38]
Explanations in English  27  Cushi [2.996]
Explanations in French  28  Kushi [2.996]
Other spellings  29  kos
Biblical quotes  30  Chapters and verses mentioning Kosy
Tables and plates  31  Full list

Entry (5/7)32  Kosy
Part of speech  33  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  34  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  35  mpanompon'i Saoly (Sal. 7) [1.38]
Explanations in English  36  Cush, a Benjaminite mentioned only in the title to Ps. 7. He was probably a follower of Saul, the head of his tribe. [1.114]
Explanations in French  37  Kush [2.996]
Other spellings  38  kosa
Biblical quotes  39  Chapters and verses mentioning Kosy
Tables and plates  40  Full list

Entry (6/7)41  Kosy
Part of speech  42  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  43  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  44  anaran' ny tany voahodidin' ny Ony Gihona, ilay ony faharoa nivoaka avy tany Edena (Gen. 2. 13). Angamba tao avaratr' i Asyria izy. [1.38]
Explanations in English  45  Ethiopia [2.996]
Explanations in French  46  Kush [2.996]
Biblical quotes  47  Chapters and verses mentioning Kosy
Tables and plates  48  Full list

Entry (7/7)49  Kosy
Part of speech  50  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  51  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  52  Nosy kely ao atsimo andrefan'i Asia Minora, tokony ho 64 km. ao atsimon' i Mileto. Tao no nijanonan' i Paoly vetivety tamin'ny diany nitety tany fanintelony, raha niakatra ho any Jerosalema izy ; ary tonga tao izy tamin' ny harivan' ny andro nanaovany ilay teny fananarana tamin'ny loholon' ny Fiangonana tany Efesosy. Nijanona tao indray alina ny Apostoly sy ny namany, dia nandroso tamin' ny nalehany ny ampitson' iny (Asa 21. 1). Maro ny Jiosy nonina tao Kosy noho ny íandrosoan' ny varotra tao ; ary angamba nisy Kristiana tany tamin' ny nalehan' i Paoly tao. Nalaza ny nosy noho ny lamba tsara nataon' ny olona tompontany ary noho ny divay vokatry ny tany. Satria eo amin' io nosy io no ifanapahan' ny lalana avy any Grisia mankany Asia Minora sy ny avy any Syria mankany Egypta, dia nahatonga ny varotra tao ho nandroso fatratra izany. Tsy fantatra na efa tafakambana ho isan' ny fari-tanin' i Asia izy tamin' ny taona 139 B.C., na tsia ; fantatra mazava anefa fa tamin' ny andron' i Aogostosy Kaisara dia isan' io fari-tany io izy. Lalana anankiray fandalovan'ny Jiosy ity nosy ity raha miakatra hamangy an'i Jerosalema izy (Asa 21. 1). Ny anarany ankehitriny dia Stanko. [1.38]
Explanations in English  53  Coos [2.996]
Explanations in French  54  Cos [2.996]
Biblical quotes  55  Chapters and verses mentioning Kosy
Tables and plates  56  Full list

Anagrams  57  kôsy, soky

Updated on 2020/07/31